5 Simple Cornerstones of Mental Wellbeing
Depression and anxiety are very common psychological disorders that are characterised by high levels of distress and negative impacts on functioning in daily life. However, even when these symptoms are not at a clinical level, the impacts on an individual can still significantly affect their quality of daily life. It is very important for everyone to prioritise and support their mental health, both preventatively and to improve difficulties.
Reading a research paper from psychologists at Macquarie University recently, I was reminded of the importance of the small daily things that we do, that contribute so much to improving and maintaining our mental health.
Two studies examined which activities and behaviours (out of 500) were used regularly by people, and were effective in supporting their mental health, as reflected in clinical measures of anxiety and depression. 3000 people were involved in each study. The studies identified five domains of daily behaviours or actions that were consistently associated with better psychological health.
In order of importance, the 5 key areas identified were:
1. Meaningful activity: Do things that are in line with your values. Pursue things that you are passionate about - that are fulfilling, satisfying, or enjoyable.
2. Healthy thinking: Treat yourself with compassion and respect, accepting that you are not perfect and that things do not always go according to plan; do not be ‘pushed around’ by unhelpful or unrealistic thoughts.
3. Having goals and making plans: Set realistic and achievable (SMART) goals, and take action to achieve them; make plans and act on them.
4. Healthy routines: Keep (largely) to a daily routine, with regular bed and waking times, regular healthy meals, and regular exercise patterns.
5. Social connections: Spend meaningful time with others; seek out positive people; connect with others regularly (in person, on the phone, or online) and chat about what’s happening in your daily life.
While these factors may seem obvious when they are listed like this, it is easy to lose sight of them in the whirlwind of life’s demands, or when we are struggling.
We are generally aware that our mental health is strongly connected to the little things that we do on a daily level, such as spending time with friends, going for a walk, or doing a meaningful activity. However, it is also important to be aware that when we are feeling distressed or overwhelmed, these supportive behaviours are often lost from focus or abandoned. In addition, when we let these behaviours slip, we are more vulnerable to feeling anxious and/or depressed. This sets up a downward spiral of distress and reductions in supportive behaviours.
Having the skills to implement and maintain the key supportive behaviours for good mental health, and the awareness to prioritise them, are central to psychological wellbeing. This is why learning skills and strategies that align with these key domains are often part of psychological treatments.
While the very simplicity and value of the simple daily things we can do for our mental health makes them reassuring and achievable, it is also makes it easy to underestimate their importance and let them slip from our focus. What daily behaviours could you choose to start, build or re-establish in your life? How might you keep these in focus?
Titov N, Dear BF, Bisby MA, Nielssen O, Staples LG, Kayrouz R, Cross S, Karin E
Measures of Daily Activities Associated With Mental Health (Things You Do Questionnaire): Development of a Preliminary Psychometric Study and Replication Study, JMIR Form Res 2022;6(7):e38837
doi: 10.2196/38837